

A Organização Não Governamental de Segurança de Internet Quad9 Nomeia Timo Koster para Diretor de Estratégia

A Quad9 anuncia a nomeação de Timo Koster para Diretor de Estratégia

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Quad9’s Opinion of the Recent Court Ruling in Leipzig

Quad9 has been part of a potentially precedent-setting legal case involving Sony Music. On March 1st, 2023, the Leipzig Regional Court ruled in favor of Sony Music. This post presents a summary of the ruling as seen from the perspective of the Quad9 organisation.

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Quad9 Joins the Cyber Threat Alliance as Leading DNS Service to Improve the Cybersecurity of Our Global Digital Ecosystem

Quad9 Joins the Cyber Threat Alliance as Leading DNS Service to Improve the Cybersecurity of our Global Digital Ecosystem

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A Executiva em Cibersegurança Mary O'Brian integra o Conselho da Fundação Quad9

O maior resolvedor de DNS sem fins lucrativos do sector sublinha o seu compromisso na proteção dos utilizadores, contra software malicioso e phishing, ao integrar um especialista na área da segurança, aumentando assim o seu painel de peritos.

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The Internet Society and Quad9 Partner to Deliver Advanced DNS Security to Cities at the Edge

The Internet Society (ISOC) and Quad9 today announced the completion of their first successful partnership for expansion of DNS-based privacy and security services.

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Quad9 Selects EdgeUno to Expand their Services Throughout Latin America

May 10, 2022 -- Miami, (USA) / Zürich (Switzerland) EdgeUno and Quad9 today announced their partnership where EdgeUno is supplying Quad9 with servers and network connectivity in several locations throughout Latin America to further expand the global reach of their DNS security service.

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Quad9 bolsters its DNS coverage with’s global network’s low-latency network enables a better experience for Quad9 users. We can attribute about 30 million blocking events in the past month to these sites.

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Imprensa Partners With Quad9 to Provide Predictive DNS Cybersecurity Protection

AI-powered engine brings predictive intelligence to Quad9 protective DNS to deliver unprecedented early identification of threats.

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O Tribunal Alemão Decide Contra a Quad9 Organização Sem fins Lucrativos de Internet Segura na Primeira Audiência Contra a Sony Music Germany

Liberdade Global da Internet Ameaçada pela Decisão Judicial sobre Direitos de Autor Direcionada a Operador DNS Não Relacionado

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Internet Security Non-Profit Quad9 Files Appeal Against Copyright Lawsuit from Sony Music Germany

The non-profit Swiss DNS provider Quad9, has filed an objection against an interim injunction (310 O 99/21) obtained by Sony Music Germany from the Hamburg Regional Court. This injunction requires Quad9 to implement network blocks that has the potential to set a precedent for other Internet organizations which are drawn into a copyright case in Germany as well as other EU nations.

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